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Clip in the cup
and reuse!


Reuse & reduce

Fasten your cup and encourage its reuse!

Clip-cup is born as an accessory for the reusable cup to facilitate the fastening of the empty cup. Its aim is to encourage the reuse of the customized cup during the events.

Hang your cup and do not abandon it:
- Around your neck with the stringAl coll amb el cordó
- In your pocket
- In your bag or handbag

Save the amount of cups and washings as you increase the use of each cup.

+ information

Choose a different colour to identify your cup

Distinguish your cup from your friend’s with the colour of your clip!

Avoid mixing your cups when the waiter returns you all the cups together and nobody knows whose cup it is.  

Clip-cup is available in 5 different colours to avoid it. Choose a colour and you will easily distinguish your cup!


Simple and cheap!

Make it easy and economic is already possible!

Clip-cup is distributed in boxes of 250 units with different colours clips and strings.

The box, with an attractive design, is thought as a dispenser to distribute the clip during the event.

Sell the clip or give it as a present in your event when customers buy their reusable cups.

Moreover, you will save cups and washings. Encouraging the reuse of cups you will increase the uses per cup.

Contact us

SPAIN (+34) 938371548
FRANCE (+33) 0975184201
ENGLAND (+44)2039363226

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